A fabulous soundtrack of Twittering Soul, composed by audiovisual artist of a younger generation Miša Skalskis, and containing archival ethnographic recordings, nature, and electronic sounds, was released in the form of a vinyl. “I wanted the soundtrack to be as closely intertwined with the foley as possible. I was aiming for the ambivalent relation, where it is not clear if the sounds heard by the spectator is music or nature.” – says the composer. It matched the vision of director Deimantas Narkevičius: “I think such is the ideology of the film. I wanted the film – both the sound and the visuals – to contain parts, which do not seem to be created, but is organic – where culture merges with the nature.”

Vinyl of the soundtrack of the film Twittering Soul

Composer Miša Skalskis

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Price: 30 EUR